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品牌 | 上海仅上 | 型号 | z型斗式 | 规格 | Z型斗式提升机 |
输送量 | 1000(m3/n) | 加工定制 | 否 | 提升量 | 10(m) |
种类 | 斗式提升机 | 材质 | 不锈钢 |
1小时可以提升6立方物料。垂直提升90度输送节省占地面积,降低动力损耗; 采用料斗承载物料,无散落,与包装机,多头称配套可实现料位跟踪自动供料.
Turn bucket hoist the body there are three main forms,
Z type C word a glyph its working principle and characteristics of the same,
are used for vertical horizontal transporting materials in shape of powder particles and small block its compact structure,
an area of an area small hoisting height big sealed performance is good
material without damage the machine load to facilitate maintenance 1
hour can improve 6 cubic material vertical transport save covers an area
of 90 degree,
reduce the loss of power; Adopt bearing material hopper, not scattered, and packing machine,
bull said supporting material level tracking can be realized automatic feeding.
◆ 转斗提升机是在封闭的壳体内,通过悬挂在链条上的料斗输送物料。
◆ 能水平--垂直--水平组合输送。可以单点加料,通过气缸完成多点卸料。全封闭、无泄露、无污染。
◆ 适用于输送各种粉状物料和颗粒状物料,以输送非黏性物质为**(可保证物料零破损)
◆ Inside the bucket elevator is in a closed shell, by conveying material hopper of hanging on the chain
◆ Combination
can be horizontal, vertical, horizontal transmission can be a single
point of charging, multipoint discharge through the cylinder closed
leakproof, free from contamination
◆ Suitable
for conveying powder material and granular materials, to transfer the
viscous material is the best (can guarantee the zero damage)
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